Just a few inspiring creators~
My father turned me onto this article. This women is a Color Consultant! Yes, that is her job title. She helps people decide what colors to paint their walls. Just another way someone has made their creativity a lucrative and fulfilling career.
This couple has collected different colored plastic "trash" that has washed up on the beach by their home for years. Cleaning and sorting the plastic, they make bright and playful sculptures and artwork out of their findings- decorative, kitschy, and thought provoking. Art made out of recycled materials pleases me immensely. Consider how much waste is floating in our oceans, and how much they have collected from their local beach. Inspiring.
This young lady takes pictures of herself "levitating" all around Tokyo. There's something so whimsical about these photographs. The artist says it often takes her 100+ tries just to get the right shot. They're fantastic. Check out her website below: